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Our experience

First of all, it is necessary to tell about the history of the President of the Association, Brave Sergey Anatolyevich.

In 2018, having abandoned a corrupt deal with the Governor of the Moscow Region A.Yu. Vorobyov, Brave Sergey found himself in a difficult situation, when the administrative resource of the governor and his deputies was sent to his large construction company, who set the task for the security forces to destroy his business and how Sergei personally.

The struggle began with complex litigation, where Sergey filed more than 10 claims with the Arbitration Court of Moscow for reimbursement of costs incurred during the construction of the Waste Processing Complex in Zaraysk, near Moscow, with a total amount of about 700 million rubles.

The first five claims were considered and decisions were made in relation to the Moscow region to pay compensation to Sergey's enterprise for the construction work performed.

This was the reason for the initiation of a criminal case against the Brave Sergei.
The criminal case was initiated with all conceivable violations, and within a short time, Sergei realized that it was urgent to leave the country.

He was first put on the Federal and soon on the International wanted list. At the same time, the lawyer was informed about the application of a penalty in the form of arrest in absentia for a period of two months already on the fact of the decision.

He left for Spain, where he lived hiding from the Spanish police and Interpol for 1.5 years. But Interpol is a very effective, in terms of investigative activities, and technically-equipped organization. Sergei was detained and placed in the Detention Center of the city of Alicante.

An extradition process was initiated against him.
The Prosecutor General's Office sent the materials of the criminal case against Sergey Brave, where the main evidence was a phone call from a certain Sergey (without mentioning his patronymic name and mobile phone number), to fly-by-night companies, on which the entire evidence base was built.

This rather surprised the Spanish authorities, although they, like all law enforcement agencies in Europe, are already accustomed to the absurdity of the accusations of Russian colleagues regarding the formation of an evidence base in the formation of Criminal cases, and the complete lack of competence of representatives of the investigation and the Russian prosecutor's office.

While in the pre-trial detention center, Sergei applied for political asylum in Spain, although he understood the futility of this action.

The Spanish authorities rarely grant political asylum and this is important to know!
The presence of an application for political asylum allowed Sergei to leave the pre-trial detention center on bail and urgently leave Spain for France

In France, Sergei applied for political asylum. At that moment, he was detained again, as he was still on the Interpol lists as a wanted person. Having considered the materials of the case, the French judge appointed prosecutor's supervision in relation to Sergei until the court session regarding the extradition of Sergei to Russia.

The trial took place on March 4, 2022, where the prosecutor made accusations against the government of the Moscow Region and the governor in particular. The judge was extremely surprised by the prosecutor's actions, but supported the prosecutor's opinion about the refusal to extradite Sergey Anatolyevich Brave to Russia.

Following the extradition decision, news came from Interpol that the Red Corner had been removed, and Sergei was no longer on the international wanted list.

Later, after Brave Sergey publicly spoke out with a revealing interview in colossal corruption against Russian Defense Minister Shoigu S.K. and his two deputies, who were the Customers for the majority of state contracts in the construction sector for the Brave Sergey enterprise, requests for the arrest of Brave Sergey were again sent to Interpol, which were initiated by the security forces at the request of Shoigu and his deputies.
They were denied it!

In April 2022, a court hearing was held in the case of the extradition of Brave Sergey in the Kingdom of Spain, where a decision was also made to refuse the Prosecutor General of Russia.

It was also decided to pay Brave Sergey 15,000 euros, as a recognition by the Spanish authorities of the illegality of his arrest and detention. Thus, the President of the ARGA Association has gained tremendous experience in terms of protection against extradition, exclusion from the Interpol lists and obtaining political asylum.

In 2022 and early 2023, with the help of our ARGA Association, more than 35 cases were formed (including family cases where several people are under protection) for obtaining political asylum in France.

Assistance was provided to dozens of young people who fled from the possibility of participating in the war.

Work has been completed to protect against criminal prosecution, international search and extradition of 12 entrepreneurs from Russia.

One of our Core Principles is the Privacy of the people we help and assist, so we deliberately don't mention names.
Our organization helps people in difficult situations to obtain political asylum in France. Here is information about the cases of people who were helped by our team of highly qualified specialists.
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Registration form: «Associations loi du 1er juillet 1901».
RNA registration number: W641013804
Address: France, 14 rue Jacques Laffitte 64100 Bayonne.

Individual tax number N° DE PARUTION: 20230008

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Phone number: +33782070855

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