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Several French lawyers who conduct resonant public affairs in France, two French law offices and members of our Association take part in the formation of the report.
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At the moment, our Association "ARGA" is preparing a broad report for the "United Nations" and the General Assembly of Interpol, aimed at significantly limiting the Russian Federation in terms of Interpol's ability to search for its citizens.

Goals and objectives of preparing a report on "The need to limit the ability of the Russian Federation to subject the accused to international prosecution, abusing its capabilities in fictitious criminal cases."

Interpol is a supranational police organization dedicated to the exchange of information among its 195 member states, primarily through a system of "red notices" designed to alert member countries to the cross-border movement of criminals.

It has come under increasing criticism in recent years for its abuse of the Red Notice system by despotic regimes, including Russia, where anti-democratic states use it to find political dissidents in exile or fleeing abuse, rather than those who commit crimes.
Analysis of the expansion of the corpus delicti and tougher penalties for crimes of an economic nature in the Russian Federation on the example of specific facts.
Analysis of the corpus delicti and the possibilities of peremptory initiation of criminal cases of an economic nature against almost any commercial representative of the police or the FSB on the territory of Russia at any level due to the deliberate tightening of data by a flock of the Criminal Code on the example of specific facts.
An analysis of the abuse by the Russian Federation of Interpol's power to find political dissidents in exile or fleeing abuse, rather than those who commit crimes, based on concrete facts.
An analysis of the facts of initiating false criminal cases of an economic nature in Russia, in order to combat political opponents of Putin and the regime as a whole, using specific facts as an example.
Proposals to reduce the abuse of Interpol opportunities by the Russian Federation, in terms of putting on the international wanted list under criminal articles of an economic nature.
Comparison of the norms of lawmaking and the practice of law enforcement of crimes of an economic nature in developed, democratic countries and authoritarian Russia under Putin's rule on the example of specific facts.
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